Release Agreement

Homeowner Release Agreement

STEP 1Complete Your Release Form

STEP 2Finish & Download Release

*Required fields

For good and valuable consideration in a downloadable form of James Hardie branded publication, the sufficiency and receipt I hereby acknowledge, I agree to the following:

I hereby irrevocably grant James Hardie Building Products Inc., its affiliates, successors, assigns and persons acting under James Hardie's authority (hereafter "James Hardie"), the right and full world-wide permission to make, use, reproduce, publish, perform, exhibit, display, transmit, and distribute my name, image, photograph, voice, likeness, brief biological information (collectively "Rights of Publicity"), testimonial, including all content protected by theories of copyright, trademark, patent, or other theories of intellectual property protection embodied in that testimonial ("Testimonial"), images depicting my real property identified below ("Property"), or any or all of the same in or in connection with all media now known or hereafter developed including but not limited to photographs, photographic negatives, prints of every kind and nature, sound or silent motion pictures, television, audiovisual works, filmstrips, illustrations, pictures, designs, painting, sound recordings, drawings of every kind and nature, downloadable and streaming videos, and web sites for purposes of publicizing James Hardie's programs, products or for any other lawful purpose (collectively "Marketing Materials"). I agree my granted permission includes the right to edit, alter, reproduce, duplicate, use in whole or in part, in conjunction with other images, graphics, text and sound in any way whatsoever and without restrictions as to quantity or frequency.

General Information:


Address of project shown in photos/testimonial/video being shared:

I authorize a representative of James Hardie to be on my property on (enter date and time, if unknown enter a date/time range) in order to take photographs, video, and audio recordings to be incorporated in the Marketing Materials, and I hereby waive any claim of trespass or right of privacy that may otherwise be violated by such action. I agree the images may be combined with other images, text and graphics, and cropped, altered or modified. I warrant I am the legal owner of the Property and am fully authorized to enter this property release.

Address of project:

Release involving on-site photography or video shoot:

If unknown provide a date range (e.g. Feb 4 - 21, 2014)

If unknown provide a time range (e.g. 10:30am to 2:00pm)

Release if involving minors:

To the extent any of the rights granted above involves a minor, I represent and warrant I am the parent/guardian of (name of minor), a minor under the age of eighteen (18) years. I hereby consent to the use of any video(s), audio recording(s) and/or photograph(s) of the named minor in accordance with the terms of the above release, which I am executing both on my behalf and on behalf of the named minor by my digital signature below/end of the document.

Release if involving minors:

(If entering more than one name, separate names with a comma)

General Provisions:

I agree that I have no rights of inspection or approval of the finished product or use to which James Hardie may put the Marketing Materials and grant James Hardie permission to include any portion or all of the rights as specified above, whether or not edited and whether or not in conjunction or juxtaposition with other materials.

I agree that James Hardie may apply for and obtain copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights in and to the Marketing materials that incorporate any rights granted above.

I further waive, assign, and release to James Hardie any moral rights I may possess and release James Hardie, its assigns, agents, or licenses from any liability for what I might deem misrepresentation of my name, image, or likeness by virtue of alterations, optical illusions, or faulty mechanical reproduction.

I agree that the validity, construction and performance of this release are governed by the laws of the United States and of the State of Illinois.


I have read the foregoing and understand its contents. I warrant that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and that I have the full, complete and unrestricted right and authority to enter into this agreement. By signing below, I hereby agree to fully release James Hardie and its agents, employees, parent, affiliates, or subsidiaries from any damages or claims of every kind or nature, which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization, suspected and unsuspected, known and unknown, including consequential and incidental damages, arising out of or in any way connected with James Hardie's use and publication of the Marketing Materials incorporating my Rights of Publicity, Testimonial, and/or Property.


Digital Signature: